Because of its cost-effectiveness, versatility, and ease of installation, vinyl siding has, over the years, garnered popularity among homeowners. If you are looking to give your home a makeover, this is an excellent place to start. With vinyl siding, factors such as susceptibility to weather do not matter. This article comprehensively covers the steps involved in installing vinyl siding.

Step 1: Rip Off the Old Siding 

Before laying the new vinyl siding, you might want to remove the old one carefully. A zip tool will be used for this step. When it is done, map out a reference point showing where the new siding will be installed. While most people prefer ripping off the old wood siding, others prefer just putting the new layer over the old one.

Step 2: Add a House Wrap 

This acts as a water barrier behind your siding to prevent water from damaging your home.

Step 3: Make Chalk Lines 

Before the installation stage, you need to outline the siding project. Do this by drawing chalk lines that will guide you as you install the siding.

Step 4: Install the Starter Strip 

With the chalk lines drawn, it is time to put the starter trip evenly against the chalk lines. Do not forget to leave some space for nails and corner spots.

Step 5: Place the Inside Corner Posts 

Now that the starter strip is in place, corner posts are next. Remember to install them just below the starter strip by about 3/4 of an inch. Place them on adjoining walls while nailing them at the top. For the rest of the nails, put them 8–12 inches down. It is important to note that the nailing should be loose.

Step 6: Place Outside Corner Post Pieces

While at it, leave a 1/4-inch gap at the point where the pieces meet the eaves. The posts should also extend past the starter strip's bottom by about ¾ of an inch. The nailing should be as described in step 5.

Step 7: Outside Corner Posts 

You can use flaps (2 1/2 inch), then proceed to bend them before closing the post.

Step 8: Add J-channel Vinyl Siding Trim 

The next step is adding J-channel trim to the sides of doors and windows.

Step 9: Finish up the corners 

In this step, the bottom J-channel is installed in that it extends beyond the side casing. You are then supposed to hold each end and cut a notch (3/4 inch) through it before installing it and bending the tab.

Step 10: Install the Siding Panels 

Push the siding into the starter strip, then nail it to the wall. You should, however, remember to leave some space where the panels meet the corner posts.

Do you want to know how your house will look with vinyl siding? Contact siding installation services to learn more. 
